Seattle Public Schools

Curriculum Adoption

2015 Social Studies


Seattle Public Schools has adopted instructional materials for the Middle School (6-8) Social Studies courses of Ancient World History, World History/Geography, and U.S. History. (Instructional materials for Washington State History remain current and are not included in this adoption.)


  • 六年级世界史:  麦克劳·希尔的《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》

  • 七年级世界史: 霍尔特·麦克杜格尔的《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》

  • Eighth-grade U.S. history: 霍尔特·麦克道格尔的《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》

该建议于2015年秋季获得了安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的批准, 教材将于2016年初提供给学校.

一个由二十多名教师组成的收养委员会, curriculum specialists, 家长及社区成员 met beginning in March 2015 to narrow down the materials. After surveying the community and holding two separate public materials review periods, 委员会提出了这些建议.

Kathleen Vasquez,扫盲和社会研究项目经理, 与董事会的课程一起审查了这些建议 & 2015年8月,指导政策委员会. 

“We selected the text that we believe had the most attention to diverse perspectives,” she said. 这一特点被确定为社区的最优先事项. In fact, Vasquez plans to form another community-based committee to assist teachers in supplementing the recommended texts with an even wider diversity of materials to improve the balance of multicultural perspectives.

The recommended materials offer supplements and supports for a range of students, 包括高级学习者. Vasquez noted that the McGraw Hill materials were chosen for sixth-grade because they offer more supports for younger students, and Holt was chosen for seventh and eighth grades because those materials offer an increase in rigor.

“我们非常仔细地研究了这些文本是如何让学生进行分析的, to synthesize, 并在高层次上提出问题,” she said. The committee was particularly impressed with Holt’s “Reading Like a Historian” companion materials, which teach students to go beyond finding evidence to look closely for issues such as bias.

“我们称之为‘学科素养’,”她说. “历史学家如何阅读和撰写文本?”

Adoption Process

The district reached out in February 2015 to find volunteers to serve on our adoption committee, comprising teachers, 家长及社区成员. The committee's work began in March 2015, and Round 1 of the public materials review ended April 15. 最后一轮投票于6月12日星期五结束. 公众在五所中学图书馆对决赛作品进行了评审, 在约翰·斯坦福中心或网上. 下面的时间轴提供了有关key的信息, pivotal steps in the adoption process as well as more information on the committee's work.

The ultimate goal of the adoption process is to select the best instructional materials available that are aligned to the Washington State Social Studies Standards and college and career readiness expectations. Additionally, the district’s commitment to cultural relevance and accessibility for teaching Special Education, English Language Learner (ELL) or Advanced Learning students will guide and inform the selection.

The instructional materials process follows the Seattle Public Schools Selection & 教材的采用,政策编号.2015.

The adoption committee reviewed the content and skills standards for each course, 建立评价的评审标准, 经考虑的公众评审意见, 对提交的每个文本进行评估和评分, 并对文本提出了建议. 

Review Process
March 30-April 15:  对提交的材料进行公众评审和评论. 
正规的棋牌平台排行榜邀请了所有家庭, staff and community members to review instructional materials under consideration for use in middle school social studies. 这是两轮审查中的第一轮. Input helped the 中学社会学科 Adoption Committee narrow materials for the second review.


  1. 参观约翰·斯坦福中心 for Educational Excellence during normal business hours to view the materials in person and fill out a feedback form.
  2. 在线获取资料. 我们的四个供应商提供了在线观看他们的材料的说明, 在线调查收集反馈.

NOTE: The Instructional Materials Adoption Committee developed criteria for review based on Seattle School Board Policy 2015, 教学材料偏见内容的OSPI评估, 华盛顿州内容标准, 国家历史阅读和写作共同核心标准, and the College, Career, & 公民生活教学大纲.


The adoption committee extensively evaluated the narrowed list of instructional materials and selected them to move on to Round 2, the final round. Additionally,委员会成员向同事和学生征求更多意见, 继续检讨社区意见, and worked toward consensus to recommend the best selection of social studies instructional materials for the for Ancient and World History/Geography (grades 6 and 7), and U.S. History (grade 8).

The public was invited to review and provide feedback on the narrowed list of social studies instructional materials on display at regional middle schools. Review forms were available at the host middle school libraries during normal school hours.
June 2 – June 18:  区域公众观看材料的范围缩小了
Late June:
Adoption Committee submitted final choice(s) to the Instructional Materials Committee for process approval.

The Instructional Materials Committee accepted the final social studies instructional material choice(s) submitted by the adoption committee for process approval and moved recommendation forward for Board Introduction and Action. 经安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行批准, the instructional materials will be purchased and professional development for teachers will ensue.
Aug. 11: Curriculum and Instruction Committee of School Board reviewed final choice for action by Board
Sept. 9: 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行介绍
Sept. 23:  School Board action
Oct. 5 – Jan. 4: 教师专业发展


领养委员会包括教师,parent/guardians and community members who could provide valuable insight and perspective regarding the instructional materials provided for review. The 家长及社区成员 on the committee were asked to bring an open mind, 对学生学习社会研究的热情, 以及参与调查的意愿, 在整个采用过程中进行有意义的对话和协作.

Committee Members

  • Ruthann Allen,中学社会研究,高级学习,Eckstein 
  • Bonnie Anderson, 中学社会学科 , SpEd, ELL, Hamilton International
  • Kevin Baker, M.埃德,家庭教师协会,非裔美国男性智库,社区
  • Barbara Beers, 中学社会学科, SpEd, ELL, Advanced Learning, Whitman
  • Erin Belka, 中学社会学科, SpEd, ELL, Advanced Learning, Washington
  • 德文·布兰森,阿肯色州中学社会研究
  • 玛吉·布兰森,阿基中学社会研究
  • Shana Brown, 中学社会学科, Advanced Learning, Broadview-Thomson K-8
  • 迪宁·埃文斯,中学社会研究,高级学习,埃克斯坦
  • 卡特琳·海耶斯,沙尔曼湾中学社会研究专业 
  • Gail Herman, JAMS PTSA指导委员会, 地区工作队(能力和人口统计), 高级学习计划, 康健服务及谘询), Parent JAMS/APP@Lincoln
  • 萨凡纳·霍尔曼,简·亚当斯中学社会研究中学
  • 乔纳森·休斯,中学社会研究,马德罗纳K-8
  • Rena Konomis,家长/社区,Harambee文化协会,家长/虎鲸K-8
  • Mike Kreiger, Aki中学社会研究
  • Laura Lehni,中学社会研究,高级学习,华盛顿
  • S. Morgan MacDonald, Middle School Librarian, 中学社会学科, HCC, Hamilton International
  • Janine Madaffari, 6-12课程专家,高级学习,JSCEE
  • Ellen Nevitt, 中学社会学科, 高中社会学科, SpEd, ELL, Advanced Learning, Eckstein
  • 克里斯托弗·奎格利,南岸K-8中学社会研究
  • 帕特里斯·罗宾逊,简·亚当斯中学注册主任兼家长
  • Rob Rose-Leigh,中学社会研究,SpEd, ELL, Washington Middle
  • Keri Rotton,中学社会研究,ELL, Hazel Wolf K-8
  • Ann Swiftney, Assistant Principal, 中学社会学科, Advanced Learning, Madison
  • Elizabeth Urmenita, ELL & 国际课程,SpEd, ELL, JSCEE
  • 希拉里·沃克曼,麦迪逊高等教育中学社会研究
  • John Zilavy, B.A. History, Teaching/volunteer experience abroad, Legal Director for Futurewise, Parent/Washington

Contact information:
Kathleen Vasquez,扫盲和社会研究项目经理

Contact Us

Kathleen Vasquez